Trio of American Lamb with Lamb Rack, Liver, and SweetbreadsEdward Leonard, Vice President/Corporate Chef at Le Cordon Bleu Schools in North America, created this flavorful, elegant dish that utilizes fresh herbs and fresh vegetables to highlight three types of American lamb meat. Ask your butcher to pre-order lamb liver and sweetbreads if necessary.
Red Wine Poached Rack of LambExecutive Chef Daniel J. Scannell, CMC, of the Carnegie Abbey Club in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, created this inventive red wine and herb poached lamb recipe. Chef Scannell serves the lamb on a bed of pickled red onions with red wine foam along with spinach and cheese soufflé.
Tuscan-Style Rack of LambThe bright flavors of Italy—parsley, anchovy, and lemon juice--shine through in this Tuscan-style rack of lamb.
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